Monday, June 27, 2011

Curcol 10 # My Beloved "Brother", Zidan ❤

what should I say when hugging your mom?
say "sabar y maa, ikhlaskan dia..."? although my self still can't let you go
still remember two years ago how I was trying to make you laugh with your mom and your brother that I loved in that time
how glad I saw your laugh
I never thought you left so fast
good boy, don't want to inconvenient the parents
I hope that you are happy in there, my beloved "brother", Zidan ❤

-21 Juli 2007 ~ 27 Juni 2011-

3 komentar :

52blablabla said...


whats-your-name said...

I'm sorry to hear that... :'(

Miya Octovianti said...

for 52blablabla
>> yups :) keep smile

for whats-your-name
>> yeah it's okay :)and thanks. who are you?

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